Energy and Power Research
Pioneering Better Ways to Generate, Transmit, and Store Energy
UDRI scientists and engineers conduct research in multiple areas of energy and power, including fuels, combustion, alternative energy and power sources, and environmental science and engineering issues. In addition, our researchers investigate various energy technologies and materials, including ceramics; glasses; and electrical, magnetic, and optical materials.

UDRI performs thin film deposition and processing; materials characterization; device- to system-level design, fabrication, and testing; thermal management of electronic components; and computer modeling and simulation.

UDRI conducts valuable research in sustainable energy and the environment with a focus on reducing pollution during energy generation, reducing energy consumption, and investigating alternative energy technologies.

UDRI has testing, data collection, and data analysis capability for both aircraft and flightline air conditioning carts. The capability is portable, has been demonstrated on USAF flightlines, and can be extended to civilian flightlines.

UDRI specializes in synthesis and in-situ functionalization of hybrid inorganic-organic nanoparticles, highly-reactive nanoenergetic materials, fuel additives, micro- and nanoelectronics, microelectronic fabrication, photovoltaics, and opto-chemical sensors/detectors.

UDRI works in alternative energy, fire science and safety, and combustion science including synthesis, processing, and characterization of flame retardants and aspects of fire safety engineering.

UDRI conducts critical research related to fuels, including combustion, engineering services, environmental microbiology, fuels engineering, fuel science, and modeling and simulation.

UDRI performs research to move away from fossil fuel use and utilize and enhance natural processes to generate energy in a more economical and environmentally friendly manner.

UDRI executes fundamental and applied research in battery and battery system technologies for use in wearables, drones, electronics, vehicles, space equipment, and much more.